Saturday 18 May 2013

Foot Care: How to Prevent and Heal Cracked Heel | Healthy Living ...

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Skin Care: How to Prevent and Heal Cracked Heel

Walking barefoot may be liberating but it can cause cracked heels. Whether it is at home or outdoors, walking barefoot or in chappals or flip flops can cause fissures around the heel. If you feel that your skin around the heel is hardening, then here?s what you need to know on what causes cracked heels, how to prevent it and remedies to cure it.

Causes of cracked heels:

In summer, we tend to walk around barefoot at home or the beach, which makes your skin prone to dry air. This causes callus which leads to fissures or cracked heel. If you continue to engage in activities without any precautions and remedies, the cracks will widen and grow deeper. Lack of care can be painful and can lead to bleeding and infection. Inactive sweat glands are also one of the reasons for causing cracked heel.

How to prevent and cure cracked heels:

1) Moisturise your feet regularly so that they remain soft and avoid a build up of dry skin.

2) Before you hit the bed, moisturise your feet and put on a pair of socks to nourish the skin on your feet.

3) You can also scrub off the dry skin with pumice, but gently. This will decrease the occurrence of dead cells and dry skin and reduce the thickness of the dry skin around the heel.

4) Choose a good pair shoes:
- Avoid thin soles
- Avoid open back shoes
- Avoid walking barefoot

5) Maintain the hygiene of your feet at all times to prevent infection.

6) Do not walk in an open pair of shoes if you have cracked heels. Also wear socks to avoid infection.

7) Drink water to keep your skin hydrated.

Prevent cracked heels before it is too late. Timely measure is the way to prevent cracked heels. Moisturising, scrubbing and a proper pair of shoes can help you maintain the hygiene of your feet.


*Images courtesy: ? Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images


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