Thursday 30 May 2013

5 Ways To Make Her Happy To Come Home | Black and Married ...

Life for a woman can be rough. There is so much negativity in the world and we need to create more sources of positivity to offset that. One place a woman hopes to get some of the good stuff is in her relationship and in her home. She desires for it to be a place to escape from the nonsense and receive the peace and love she needs. As men and husbands there are some things we can do to make this dream a reality.

Click below to see 5 ways to make her happy to come home. ?And then let us know what your spouse does to make you feel appreciated and happy to come home.

1. Show her you are happy to see her.

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Have you ever come home to be greeted with a big hug and kiss? It feels good doesn?t it? Well that is a feeling you should provide your wife on a consistent basis. Show her love and pour positive energy into her when she walks through that door. Let her know you missed her and you are happy to see her. Give her some attention and don?t make it about sex. Taking these actions will create an environment that a woman wants to rush home to.

About the author

Stephan Labossiere is a Certified Life & Relationship Coach, Speaker, Certified Personal Trainer, and Author of the Award Winning book ?How To Get A Woman To Have Sex With You?If You?re Her Husband?. Stephan is a man whose knowledge and ability to connect with people leave the room in awe. He is on a Mission to help men and women experience more successful and authentic relationships with a true focus on the Core Development process. For more on Stephan visit


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