Wednesday 22 May 2013

business processes to sell on internet | eCommerce Investments ...

business processes to sell on internet








The eCommerce or e-commerce (Electronic Commerce or Internet Commerce) has become crucial for every business who wants to grow, and Choosing a capable ecommerce developer that handles all Internet business processes can mean the difference between success and failure in your business.

As eCommerce Experts we use our eCommerce Skills to create and Boost internet business of entrepreneurs and Companies who wants to take their Project or Physical Business to the Internet fast and error-free making us your partner in Internet

Really this is the mainstay of our work philosophy ,becoming in the Internet Partner with long-term relationships where we provide our experience and Internet Business Skills to managing all Internet business processes and the entrepreneur drive the business

On the other hand should be only one Internet agency which handles all processes for the Internet Business Creation, this is the line to go the way of success, because on this way will follow an orderly plan and will take advantage of all the synergies,

Today and according to our experience, the internet sales activation really is not the mainly problem , The main question is to Create a Sustainable Online Business. For that reason it is so important to developing a long-term Online Business, using a business plan perfectly controlled.

We specializes in getting successful online business. We are experienced and knowledgeable web development professionals that we create and boost Internet Businesses to sell , and so collect a portion of those sales . It?s what we do.

Our team will apply all our eCommerce web development knowledge and experience to get the business online and thriving becoming in your Internet Business Partner

We can take over all eCommerce web development tasks, leaving you to focus on management and growth of the overall business.

We strongly believe in our IMM work system, that is a Online Business Creation system based on the internet business development in a sustainable way,

The IMM really is a Internet Business control system that provides the online sales activation relies on three factors an orderly process for the creation, adaptation, and insertion of a business idea to Internet, thinking from the first step about profitability in the medium and long term.

Our experience has given us the knowledge to focus on those factors to get solid and lasting position in each online business niche and get quality internet traffic

IMM factors and ?processes:

Factor 1- Business Plan Creation and Niche Research

Factor 1 -Processes:

Internet Business Niche Research
Keyword Research
Domain Research
Target Audience Research
Competition Analytics
Online Business Plan

When we have the factor 1 complete, Really we know perfectly what is the goal we want to achieve, and we can follow a clear way to?create or edit the website, because now we have located our target audience on internet and the keywords they used to find what we offer.

Factor 2- eCommerce Web Development

The key is finding the correct niche on internet for your ecommerce business idea. Our experienced team will work to find where your idea fits in the market, creating a valuable position on internet for your company.

We will build an eCommerce solution tailored to your target audience. Our focus is finding the niche, then adapting our eCommerce web development practices to create a unique, attractive, easy-to-use website. with rich content in the selected keywords on the business plan

Factor 2- Processes

Web Design

Online Catalog Creation
Webmaster Tools
ecommerce Branding
Social Media creation
Fan Pages manage
Community Manager
Websites Content
Banners & Headers
Landing Pages
Online Translations

Factor 3- eCommerce Positioning and Solid social media presence.

Although the eCommerce Positioning it is the last factor, really is crucial.

But we can only achieve solid Internet positioning, if we have successfully completed the two previous factors processes

Now we will effectively position the internet business on Google and social networks using only white techniques and basing the position by 99% on organic and natural positioning , always under the Times and standards set by google and search engines

Factor 3 ? Processes:

Quality Link Building
Natural Positioning
Organic Positioning
Press Releases on internet
Blog Mentions
Social Marketing
Adwords Advertising
Facebook Advertising
Twitter Advertising
Google plus Advertising
Linkedin Advertising
Affiliate Traffic
Online Marketing
Video Marketing
Social Marketing
Social Branding

At this time we will be using continuously the IMM control system, to monitor the position of each of the keywords and traffics, and in a parallel and continuous way expand the business with:

Continuous Niches Research
Continuous Keywords Research
Continuous Target Audience Research
Business Plan Expansion And New Sections Development

Really our work never stops, we are always looking to grow more and more the businesses in which we participate, and always looking for a partner and long term relationship to involved in the business

This is clearly our Work system, if you fit with our work philosophy and want to boost or create your internet business in partnership with us let us know you want to collaborate.


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