Wednesday 22 February 2012

Nursing School Programs: Will and Estate Planning Documents all ...

By Michael Spevack, Esq.

A will, power of attorney, health care proxy, living will, HIPAA release and organ donor card are essential documents that should be prepared for all adults living in the United States. The author is an attorney in New York City and will prepare these documents for a very reasonable fee.

Average individuals earning between $30,000 to $250,000 per year need these documents otherwise they are ill prepared for unforeseen changes in health or even their own death. A will is necessary so that the wishes of the individual, not the rote operation of state law, control the distribution of assets and provide for care of any children.

The author believes it is far better for people to have any will, even one prepared by generic software which might not be truly tailored to the individual's needs, then to not have one.

In New York City, where the author practices law, it should cost around $600 for a basic set of documents for a married couple and less for an individual.

Many attorneys, such as the author, accept credit or debit cards and payment plans on such cards making an attorney drafted will and estate documents quite affordable.

Other than a will, what other estate planning documents do individuals and couples need as part of a basic estate plan?

A power of attorney is a very important and powerful legal tool which is effective while the person granting such power is alive. A spouse or other trusted person can conduct transactions and estate gifting while you are unable to. It is very important to have an attorney prepare this document as in New York State there is an official form which is quite complicated and there are important legal considerations at play.

A living will allows you to express your wishes regarding medical treatment in the event you at some point become unable to do this for yourself.

A health care proxy is a legal document which allows a person or persons of your choosing to make medical decisions for you when you are unable to do this for yourself.

An organ donor card and HIPAA release are two other documents which all adults should have prepared for them by an attorney.

Protect yourself by preparing the essential estate planning documents discussed above. It is best to do so using a competent attorney.


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