Sony had announced the Xperia Neo L a couple of months back and now the good news is that this device is soon coming to Indian shores. This upcoming new smartphone from their Xperia lineup has got a price tag of Rs. 18,499 on online store seller Flipkart. This Ice Cream Sandwich running smartphone was announced in two colours ? glossy black and glossy white, but the site listing shows only black on preorder for now. The estimated release date for the phone is the 4th week of July, which means we could see the phone by early next week. The Neo L has a 4-inch display with a 1GHz Qualcomm processor and 512 MB of RAM. It also looks quite similar to their popular Xperia Neo V, but this is the first smartphone that comes with ICS onboard.?
The Xperia Neo L
Here?s a look at the specifications of the Sony Xperia Neo L:
? 4.0-inch TFT touchscreen with a 480 x 854 pixel resolution
? 1GHz Qualcomm MSM8255 processor, 512 MB of RAM
? Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich?
? 1GB internal storage
? 3G, EDGE/GPRS, Wi-Fi
? GPS with A-GPS support
? Bluetooth 2.1 with A2DP, USB 2.0
? 5 megapixel camera with LED flash, 720p video recording
? Secondary VGA camera
? Stereo FM radio with RDS
? Memory expandable up to 32GB via microSD card
? 3.5 mm handsfree socket
? 1500 mAh Lithium - ion battery?
The design doesn?t look anywhere close to the new Xperia S, P and U that Sony has announced in the recent past. However, it does have a form factor that reminds you of the older generation Xperias. The Neo L doesn?t win any awards on the slimness front as it is 12.2mm in thickness as compared to the others that range around 9.2mm. In terms of features, the Neo L will have gesture control as well. As we saw with the Sola, that?s not particularly a big feature to boast of though. Earlier, there were reports that this smartphone would be available only in China, but it?s good that India is on the list as well.?
It is worth mentioning that the Xperia Sola is a grand more expensive than the Neo L and comes with a dual core processor but without a front camera. The cheaper Xperia U has a dual core processor as well, but the real world performance of both these smartphones left a lot to be desired, as we saw in our review. Let?s hope the Xperia Neo L has something different to offer. Would you buy the Neo L at this price point? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
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