Tuesday 16 April 2013

Food Review: 4 & A Half Gourmands | mitsueki | Singapore Lifestyle ...

Just like that, my weekend is over once again, and it?s back to work from Monday onwards. Totally not looking forward to it :( But anyway, at least I?m glad that I had a pretty good Sunday!(:

Crystal and I are pretty big suckers for food deals on the deal sites such as Groupon/Deal.com.sg so there was this particular deal that caught our attention quite some time ago:

Immediate Redemption:?Only $16.90 for Ala-Carte Buffet at 4 & A Half Gourmands, Clarke Quay ? Includes Signature Pizza, Chicken wings + Squid Ink Pasta + Drinks (Orange / Lime Juice)

Looks tempting right?

And so last week, Crystal made reservations for all 3 of us at 4 & A Half Gourmands?for lunch on Sunday at 1pm! Lol, but guess what? HAHAHA! I was so tired out yesterday that I totally overslept ? she finally got through me after calling my houseline at 12.30pm! And as you guessed it ? both the bf and I ended up being late! Like, we reached at about 1.30pm?

Crystal was there since 1pm, and we felt so bad~ But eh..guess what?

Oh and by the time we reached there at 1.30pm..we still had to wait for a table! So indeed the other reviews were true ? that even if you come at your reservation timing, you will still have to wait for the previous diners to finish first. Worst of all, apparently there was an empty table ? but it was not cleared up for the last 10 minutes.?Was a little put off by that, but well, since we already paid right? ;/

Before I move on, here are some photos of the surroundings. And the reason why I?m like snapping photos of everything is because I?m testing out my new Nikon 450D that I bought recently! Haven?t really had the chance to use it much yet ;/

The sofa where Crystal sat for half an hour just waiting for the diners to finish eating and the waiter to clear our table.

Random photo testing my ISO and shutter speed

The restaurant was totally full when we first came and completely empty when we left.

This is the ?menu? with the free flow choices of food (ala-carte) and several one time orders.?Oh and they do have a full menu, but we didn?t really look at it. Also, since everything had been pretty disappointing so far, I was hoping that the food could save it all.

Crystal and I bought the vouchers from StreetDeal and apparently it doesn?t come with a free drink. Meanwhile, the bf bought his from Deal.com.sg and ehh, his comes with a choice of lime juice or orange juice.

So he ordered LIME juice and, well, he received ORANGE juice. -_-

Well, let?s just wait for our food first then. And before that, some random shots of us. HAHA!(:

And now, back to our food! Not really gonna write much about it, so let?s just have the pictures do most of the talking!(:

1. Soup of the Day ? Carrot Soup
Had this really weird/sour taste, but luckily we ordered only one bowl to try. Wouldn?t recommend it

2. One Time Order Per Couple: Breaded Mushroom Tempura (8 Pcs)
It?s hard to go wrong with this dish. One of our favourite dishes ? yummy!(:

3.?One Time Order Per Couple: Quail Egg Wanton
The combination is pretty unique I guess, but I really like it.?Crispy?on the outside and a nice quail egg inside!

4.?One Time Order Per Couple: Fried Garlic Shrimp (8 Pcs)
Crystal said she was looking forward to this dish, but it didn?t really live up to her expectations. Pretty meh and very oily/spicy!

5.?One Time Order Per Couple: Buffalo Wings
Gahhh it was just too spicy for me, but I guess it?s okay if you like it ;/

6.?Top up of $5 for Wagyu Beef Cubes (6 pcs) and Foie Gras
Am a huge fan of Wagyu beef so I didn?t mind topping up to try. The Wagyu beef was mm, well done so it wasn?t really that fantastic. Meanwhile, it was my first time trying out foie gras ? I don?t know if it?s me, or this dish but it is really, really, really oily! Crystal seems to like it though!

6. Bacon Carbonara Pasta
Chili?flakes are just used liberally in the pasta. Again, very oily and spicy like most dishes.

7.?Bacon & Sausage Pizza
The pizza is meh at most, nothing fantastic but can do. Bf polished off almost all of it by himself!

8.?Minced Beef & Bacon Pizza
Yet another pizza ? I prefer this one over the previous! Have to say, generous with the cheese ? and I like that!(:

9. Garlic Mashed Potato
It?s almost impossible to go wrong with mashed potato and this one passed the test.

10.?Grilled Mushrooms
Really salty and just too much garlic ? which I hate. Was trying to remove them

11. Handcut Fries
This dish took almost 1hr to arrive. Crystal even sarcastically asked ? are they done harvesting the potatoes yet? Lol. Well, so it came and all 3 of us just exchanged looks as it wasn?t..eh what we expected. The bf was the only person who ate this ? with like loads of salt. Wouldn?t recommend you order it.

Just a mention as well, Crystal ordered this Frape ? S$4.90 at the start (as no drinks were included in our Street Deal voucher), and again, they forgot the order. It came after an hour.

At least we were totally stuffed after eating everything we could!?But too bad we weren?t able to try the squid ink pasta as we were too full. Oh and here?s Crystal drinking her Frape like a Sir. HAHAHA!

Overall, even though there weren?t any gastronomical delights or?dishes that just made us go..WOW, but I would say that it was an okay dining experience.?But there?s really nothing fantastic or outstanding that I would like to mention,?other than the few negative points I brought up earlier.?However, it was alright I guess ? we paid about $20 per person ($16.90 for the voucher, $4.90 for the Frape, $5 for the top up of the Wagyu beef and Foie Gras) to eat quite a number of dishes as seen above.

Would I be back?
I would give it a pass. In my opinion ? it?s only worth a try once with the voucher

Till later,
? mitsueki

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Source: http://mitsueki.wordpress.com/2013/04/15/food-review-4-a-half-gourmands/

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