Thursday 14 March 2013

UNM Programs Ranked in U.S. News & World Report on Graduate ...

U.S. News and World Report mag?a?zine has released Best Grad?u?ate School rank?ings for 2014. The list fea?tures a num?ber of UNM spe?cialty pro?grams. The School of Law is ranked No. 11 in the national in Clin?i?cal train?ing and No. 64 overall.

In the Col?lege of Fine Arts, the pho?tog?ra?phy pro?gram is ranked fifth in the nation.

In the School of Med?i?cine, UNM?s Rural Med?i?cine Pro?gram is ranked sec?ond in the U.S., Fam?ily Med?i?cine is ranked sev?enth and Pri?mary Care is ranked ninth. These spe?cialty rank?ings are voted on by senior fac?ulty and deans of schools and col?leges through?out the?U.S.

The mag?a?zine rates UNM No. 100 in a rank?ing of pub?lic uni?ver?si?ties and No. 179 in over?all national rank?ings. U.S. News & World Report uses admis?sions selec?tiv?ity as an impor?tant part of its rank?ing sys?tem. Job place?ment sta?tis?tics were used for some rank?ings and under?grad?u?ate rep?u?ta?tion was also a factor.

Media Con?tact: Karen Went?worth (505) 277?5627, email:


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