Forget the baby shower. It's a ... "gender reveal!" For moms-to-be who want drama in their shower of baby gadgetry, gender reveal parties let everyone ? including Mom ? find out the sex of the baby together. "Huh?" asks our pregnant blogger.
Baby shower? Not for Shainna and Bryan Pickens who ? like a growing number of moms-to-be (and dads) ? announced the sex of their unborn child June 22, 2012 to a group of about 20 by having guests bite into cupcakes: blue butter dream filling revealed the Charleston, W. V., couple would be having a boy.
AP Photo/Charleston Daily Mail, Craig Cunningham
EnlargeAnd you thought a baby shower was all the pre-birth feting your little one needed.
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Stephanie Hanes is the lead writer for Modern Parenthood and a longtime Monitor correspondent. She lives in Andover, Mass. with her husband, Christopher, her daughter, Madeline Thuli, a South Africa Labrador retriever, Karoo, and an imperialist cat named Kipling.
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Silly Mommy. How 2010 of you. Today, baby showers are the least of it.
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Or so I learned the other week, lying on that super comfy ultrasound bed for one of the more interesting pre-natal checkups; the one that not only determines whether your baby-to-be has all his/her fingers and toes, but also what sex organs he/she happens to boast.?
?Do you want to know what you?re having?? the friendly ultrasound technician asked.
"Heck yeah," I answered.? My husband and I were expecting this question, and, not exactly the patient types, already knew our answer. (Check out our post from earlier this year about the stats on who ?finds out? and who doesn?t.)?
And then she asked: ?Do you want me to tell you now or write it down?? You know, for your gender reveal??
(Actually, I thought she said ?gender unveil,? but that might have been an accent issue. We?re not from Massachusetts.)
Yes, the ?gender reveal,? she explained. It?s all the rage these days. You have a party where your family and friends are dragged once again to pay homage to the bump (OK, she just said ?come to celebrate?) and at the best dramatic moment, you open the envelop (or look in the cake, or lift a curtain, or whatever) and discover whether to paint the nursery pink or blue.
Husband and I exchanged looks.
?Really?? I asked.
It was all I could muster.
?I know, I know,? she said.
Like any professional researcher, when I got home I turned immediately to Google. Sure enough, authoritative mommy sites from to to Pinterest have lists of Gender Reveal ideas and party tips. There are entire websites and books devoted to this.
?Expecting a new baby is a very exciting time for a couple,? writes ?One of the most thrilling parts of pregnancy is revealing the gender of your beautiful little bundle. Don?t announce it just by making a phone call to your family and friends. Make your baby gender reveal party a big, wonderful, landmark event in your life by holding a well-planned baby gender reveal party. Celebrate the arrival of the newest addition in your family with all your friends and loved ones.?
There are plenty of ideas out there for a rockin? Gender Reveal.? One is to give the secret envelop to the party?s cake maker, who then brings out either a pink or blue cake at just the right moment in the party.
There?s the balloon approach, where the Keeper-Of-The-Ultrasound-Envelope orders a huge box of either pink or blue balloons, to be opened by the parents-to-be in front of guests.
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