Thursday 27 September 2012

Baby shower? So 2010. Edgier moms-to-be have a baby gender reveal

Forget the baby shower. It's a ... "gender reveal!" For moms-to-be who want drama in their shower of baby gadgetry, gender reveal parties let everyone ? including Mom ? find out the sex of the baby together. "Huh?" asks our pregnant blogger.

By Stephanie Hanes,?Correspondent / September 27, 2012

Baby shower? Not for Shainna and Bryan Pickens who ? like a growing number of moms-to-be (and dads) ? announced the sex of their unborn child June 22, 2012 to a group of about 20 by having guests bite into cupcakes: blue butter dream filling revealed the Charleston, W. V., couple would be having a boy.

AP Photo/Charleston Daily Mail, Craig Cunningham


And you thought a baby shower was all the pre-birth feting your little one needed.

Skip to next paragraph Stephanie Hanes


Stephanie Hanes is the lead writer for Modern Parenthood and a longtime Monitor correspondent. She lives in Andover, Mass. with her husband, Christopher, her daughter, Madeline Thuli, a South Africa Labrador retriever, Karoo, and an imperialist cat named Kipling.

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Silly Mommy. How 2010 of you. Today, baby showers are the least of it.

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Or so I learned the other week, lying on that super comfy ultrasound bed for one of the more interesting pre-natal checkups; the one that not only determines whether your baby-to-be has all his/her fingers and toes, but also what sex organs he/she happens to boast.?

?Do you want to know what you?re having?? the friendly ultrasound technician asked.

"Heck yeah," I answered.? My husband and I were expecting this question, and, not exactly the patient types, already knew our answer. (Check out our post from earlier this year about the stats on who ?finds out? and who doesn?t.)?

And then she asked: ?Do you want me to tell you now or write it down?? You know, for your gender reveal??


(Actually, I thought she said ?gender unveil,? but that might have been an accent issue. We?re not from Massachusetts.)

Yes, the ?gender reveal,? she explained. It?s all the rage these days. You have a party where your family and friends are dragged once again to pay homage to the bump (OK, she just said ?come to celebrate?) and at the best dramatic moment, you open the envelop (or look in the cake, or lift a curtain, or whatever) and discover whether to paint the nursery pink or blue.


Husband and I exchanged looks.

?Really?? I asked.

It was all I could muster.

?I know, I know,? she said.

Like any professional researcher, when I got home I turned immediately to Google. Sure enough, authoritative mommy sites from to to Pinterest have lists of Gender Reveal ideas and party tips. There are entire websites and books devoted to this.

?Expecting a new baby is a very exciting time for a couple,? writes ?One of the most thrilling parts of pregnancy is revealing the gender of your beautiful little bundle. Don?t announce it just by making a phone call to your family and friends. Make your baby gender reveal party a big, wonderful, landmark event in your life by holding a well-planned baby gender reveal party. Celebrate the arrival of the newest addition in your family with all your friends and loved ones.?

There are plenty of ideas out there for a rockin? Gender Reveal.? One is to give the secret envelop to the party?s cake maker, who then brings out either a pink or blue cake at just the right moment in the party.

There?s the balloon approach, where the Keeper-Of-The-Ultrasound-Envelope orders a huge box of either pink or blue balloons, to be opened by the parents-to-be in front of guests.


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Dynamics of DNA packaging helps regulate formation of heart

ScienceDaily (Sep. 27, 2012) ? A new regulator for heart formation has been discovered by studying how embryonic stem cells adjust the packaging of their DNA. This approach to finding genetic regulators, the scientists say, may have the power to provide insight into the development of any tissue in the body -- liver, brain, blood and so on.

A stem cell has the potential to become any type of cell. Once the choice is made, the cell and other stem cells committed to the same fate divide to form organ tissue.

A University of Washington-led research team was particularly interested in how stem cells turn into heart muscle cells to further research on repairing damaged hearts through tissue regeneration. The leaders of the project were Dr. Charles Murry, a cardiac pathologist and stem cell biologist; Dr. Randall Moon, who studies the control of embryonic development, and Dr. John Stamatoyannopoulos, who explores the operating systems of the human genome.

The paper's lead author is Dr. Sharon Paige, a UW MD-PhD student who completed her Ph.D. in Dr. Murry's lab.

The results are published in the Sept. 28 edition of Cell.

Paige, an aspiring pediatric cardiologist, said, "By identifying regulators of cardiac development, this work has the potential to lead to a better understanding of the causes of congenital heart disease, thereby paving the way for therapeutic advances."

Previously UW researchers had examined the signals that prod cells to grow into various kinds of heart tissue. In this case, the researchers entered a relatively unexplored area. They decided to look at the genetic controls behind the transformation of stem cells into heart tissue.

Because stem cells keep their DNA code under wraps until needed, the scientists examined how this packaging is altered over time to permit reading of portions of the code and thereby produce changes in the cell.

DNA is wound up into a structure called chromatin. "DNA can be packaged as tightly closed, neutral or activated," Murry explained. The tightly closed state, he said, is analogous to setting the brakes on a car.

Like a child who clams up when asked, "What will you be when you grow up?" stem cells are protective of the genes that will determine their future cell type, or what scientists call their cell fate.

"We found that stem cells take great care to avoid turning on cell-fate regulating genes at the wrong time," Murry said. "These genes have their brakes on until they are needed." When the time is right, he said, "the brakes come off and the gas goes on."

He explained that the situation is different for genes that regulate cell functions, in contrast to those that regulate cell fate. Genes that control, for example, the production of proteins that allow the cell to contract or to generate electrical signals do not have such a complex braking system. Those genes can be more readily activated.

The researchers pointed out that it was already known that the patterns stem cells follow to modify their DNA packaging distinguished them from progenitor cells -- cells prepared to begin a lineage of a particular type of cell -- and also from cells that already had a working identity, such as blood or muscle cells.

However , the dynamics of the DNA packaging modifications -- how the packaging is programmed to change over time -- and how these dynamics influence which genes are "exposed" and activated to create, for example, heart muscle cells, was poorly understood.

The UW-led research team learned that, as human embryonic stem cells become heart cells, this differentiation is accompanied by distinctive dynamic alterations in DNA packaging. This tell-tale pattern enabled the scientists to distinguish the key regulators of heart development from other genes. The researchers referred to the carefully timed pattern of changes in the DNA wrapping as a "temporal chromatin signature."

Just as a bank robber leaves incriminating evidence in a handwritten note to the teller, the temporal chromatin signature gave the scientists the clues they needed to hunt down new genes that might be responsible for heart formation.

"We found a bunch of them," Murry said. Their system revealed the top candidate to be the homebox gene MEIS2. This gene seemed an unlikely choice because it had no previous record of participating in heart formation. However, when this gene was removed from a new generation of zebra fish, the developing fish embryos had heart tube formation defects and other heart abnormalities.

Murry and other members of the research team think patterns in DNA unwrapping could be broadly applicable to discovering the genes that regulate other aspects of tissue and organ formation beyond only the heart. Such a research approach might help reveal the major developmental decisions that occur inside of cells as an embryo forms and grows. These revelations could provide information useful to spurring stem cells to form specific tissues for organ repair later in life.

Acknowledging the limitations of a lab system in mimicking what happens inside living cells in the early stages of organ formation in humans, Murry said, "The use of the temporal chromatin signature to discover regulatory genes could give us new insights into human development and new tools to control cell fate."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Washington, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Sharon?L. Paige, Sean Thomas, Cristi?L. Stoick-Cooper, Hao Wang, Lisa Maves, Richard Sandstrom, Lil Pabon, Hans Reinecke, Gabriel Pratt, Gordon Keller, Randall?T. Moon, John Stamatoyannopoulos, Charles?E. Murry. A Temporal Chromatin Signature in Human Embryonic Stem Cells Identifies Regulators of Cardiac Development. Cell, 2012; 151 (1): 221 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2012.08.027

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Japan, China move to dampen island dispute

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) ? Japan and China are taking small steps to dampen a bitter dispute over a group of small islands in the East China Sea following an intense but seemingly controlled confrontation over the islands' sovereignty that introduced wildcard Taiwan in the fray.

Foreign ministers from Tokyo and Beijing met late Tuesday on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York to discuss the issue, two weeks after the Japanese government's purchase of some of the islands from private owners sparked bitter anti-Japanese protests in China and raised tensions between the two Asian giants to their highest level in years.

Vice foreign ministers from the two countries met the same day in Beijing.

Despite the promise of the meetings, it is still too early to conclude that the crisis has passed. China is almost certain to send its own vessels to challenge Japanese control of the islands, raising the possibility of armed conflict arising from mistake or miscalculation.

Tuesday's Japan-China meetings came just hours after Japanese and Taiwanese coast guard cutters exchanged water cannon blasts just off the islands, known as the Senkakus in Japan and the Diaoyu or Diaoyuitai in China and Taiwan. Taiwan also claims the islands, which sit astride rich fishing waters and potentially large reserves of natural gas.

Taiwan, which split from China amid civil war in 1949 but has been drawing ever closer to Beijing in the 4 ? years since Ma Ying-jeou became president, has become a wild card in the Japan-China dispute, staking out what it claims is an independent stance to assert its sovereignty over the islands.

But reflecting its claim that Taiwan is part of its territory, China has gone out of its way to suggest that Taipei's interest in the islands is identical with its own. Following Tuesday's confrontation between the two coast guards, China's state-controlled media offered clear validation of the Taiwanese actions, presenting detailed coverage of the presence of some 50 Taiwanese fishing boats and 12 coast guard vessels in the disputed island area.

During the confrontation, the two sides used water cannon for the first time, an apparent escalation in their previously low-key tactics. But the almost ritualistic nature of the exchange ? the sides separated after only a few minutes, and the Taiwanese flotilla returned to Taiwan ? suggested that Tokyo and Taipei were operating within carefully prescribed parameters and they had no interest in letting things get out of hand.

Neither Tokyo nor Beijing has released a full account of the New York meeting, though the mere fact it occurred raises hopes of a peaceful solution to the crisis between an ascendant China, flush with tens of billions of dollars of foreign exchange reserves and a rapidly expanding military, and a Japan that seems eager to prove that despite long years of economic drift it still remains a power to be reckoned with.

China's official Xinhua News Agency reported that Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi told Japanese counterpart Koichiro Gemba that the Japanese government's island purchase constituted "a serious challenge to the post-war international order."

"China will not tolerate the Japanese side taking any unilateral action on the Diaoyu Islands," the Xinhua report said. "China will continue to take firm measures to safeguard its territorial integrity and sovereignty."

Earlier, senior Japanese Foreign Ministry official Naoko Saiki repeated Japan's claims to the islands, and said that while compromise with Beijing would likely be difficult, the two sides should keep talking.

"We don't want to have any wars or battles or use of force," she told reporters. "We have to stabilize the situation through dialogue in a peaceful manner, in accordance with international law."


Associated Press writer Louise Watt in Beijing contributed to this report.


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Donning Snoring Earplugs Could Be The Resolution For Your ...

Article by Ann Marier

Sporting Snoring Earplugs Could Be The Solution For Your Partner ? Health ? Physical fitness

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Any person who has to sleep with a particular person that snores has most likely thought of wrapping their head in a pillow or sleeping in one more room to steer clear of the terrible noise all night time. Donning snoring earplugs could be the answer for a lot of partners to get restful sleep.


Foam snoring earplugs are some of the most typical varieties obtainable. Some are manufactured from dense foam that will maintain its form for a year or much more even with every day use. This dense foam earplug is designed to maintain out practically all seems. Users however have mentioned that they are nonetheless capable to listen to their alarm clock, doorway bell, or children when wearing the plugs.

When acquiring foam snoring earplugs, choose high good quality plugs these kinds of as SnorPlugs as they are intended to be comfy for extended wear and to preserve their form above a 12 months or much more of use. They soak up moisture in the ear canal and which can help them to really feel comfy for a longer time.

However, many people discover that foam snoring earplugs can drop out or turn into uncomfortable as they rest since there is something stuffed in their ear. For men and women with that dilemma an in excess of the ear audio blocker could be far more successful.


Wax ear plugs are popular among swimmers and for snoring earplugs since of their custom made fit. These wax earplugs are balls of wax which fill the ear to muffle all noise and conform to the ear precisely. These wax ear plugs will normally only be productive for a few of utilizes but are normally sold in packs of eight or ten.

Wax snoring earplugs are usually comfy all night time and will stay in area out side the ear canal with little difficulty. Several individuals find the wax earplugs far more cozy than foam because they turn into almost unnoticeable following a few minutes they will match up and keep human body temperature and they are soft and gentle.


Silicone snoring earplugs are one more common choice. The earplugs are not developed to suit in the ear canal but in the outer ear more than the opening. The silicone produces a seal in excess of the ear canal muffling tone and creating it easier for men and women to snooze up coming to a snoring partner.

Silicone snoring earplugs have a tendency to very last longer than wax earplugs nonetheless, simply because they are sticky they should be stored in their packaging. Any amount of time in the open air is most likely to attract dust and render the earplugs unusable.

About the Author

Ann Marier has developed several posts on standard overall health issues delivering beneficial tips and assistance. Go through all about her newest posts on snoring and how to quit snoring guidelines

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Thursday 13 September 2012

Shooting Challenge: Isolated Motion Blur [Shooting Challenge]

When you don't want blur, it's the worst. But when you can control it—even isolate it in the frame—blur can be beautiful. For this week's Shooting Challenge, you'll capture a clear subject in a world of motion blur. More »


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Tunisian police fire teargas at anti-US protest


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U.S. identifies anti-Muslim filmmaker

WASHINGTON (AP) ? A U.S. law enforcement official says a man named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is behind the anti-Muslim film being blamed for mob attacks in Egypt, Libya and Yemen.

A man who calls himself Sam Bacile has said he created the film, but The Associated Press on Wednesday connected Nakoula to the Bacile persona.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation.

In an AP interview, Nakoula says he managed logistics for the company that produced the film, which mocked Muslims and the prophet Muhammad. He denies that he was Bacile.

The movie is implicated in inflaming mobs that attacked U.S. missions in Egypt, Libya and Yemen. The U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed.


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Saturday 8 September 2012

All-new Range Rover revealed at the Royal Ballet School ...

(September 7, 2012) LONDON ? Last night, in the quintessentially British setting of the Royal Ballet School in Richmond Park, Land Rover revealed the new Range Rover, the fourth generation of the iconic luxury SUV.

The international audience, including leaders from business, film, television and sport gathered to witness a dramatic reveal and celebrate one of the world's most iconic vehicles. Many of the guests, from Olympic medallists to royalty, were long-standing Range Rover owners and enthusiasts keen to get the first view of the All-New Range Rover in the metal.

Land Rover says, the Range Rover has been developed from the ground up to provide the ultimate luxury SUV. It is the world's first SUV to have a lightweight all-aluminum body and is 20% lighter than the outgoing model.

The lighter body structure has driven a 22 per cent reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

Land Rover also used the event to announce plans for a hybrid Range Rover ? the world's first fully capable SUV. A state-of-the-art high-efficiency diesel hybrid model is planned for production late in 2013. (The hybrid model will not be sold in the U.S., at least initially.)

John Edwards, Land Rover global brand director, said: "The Range Rover is a British icon and the all-new model revealed this evening has set the benchmark for luxury in SUVs. It is quieter, smoother and lighter than any vehicle in its class.

"Like the Royal Ballet School, Land Rover is quintessentially British and has been setting world standards in performance and capability for many years. We wanted to launch the all-new Range Rover in the UK and White Lodge was the perfect venue."

Order books for the 2013 Range Rover are now officially open.

The All-New Range Rover is designed, engineered and manufactured in the UK and will be exported to over 170 global markets.

At just under 197 inches, the new Range Rover has a very similar footprint to the outgoing model, but with a smoother and more streamline profile - the most aerodynamic Range Rover ever.

For the U.S. market, two V-8 engines will once again be offered: a naturally-aspirated 5.0-liter V-8 rated at 375 horsepower and 375 pound-feet of torque, and a supercharged version of this engine with 510 horsepower and 461 pound-feet of torque on tap. Both engines will be paired with a ZF eight-speed automatic.

The 0-60 times come in at an impressive 6.5 seconds and 5.1 seconds, respectively, while top speeds register at 130 mph and 140 mph.

The luxurious interior has a modern and pure character, incorporating distinctive Range Rover design cues, but with a fresh and very contemporary treatment. The cabin retains the characteristic strong, architectural forms, and these are emphasized by extremely clean and elegant surfaces which are flawlessly executed using the finest leathers and veneers.

Among the industry-leading innovations is a ground-breaking next-generation version of Land Rover's Terrain Response system, which analyses the current driving conditions and automatically select the most suitable vehicle settings.

An all-new state-of-the-art lightweight suspension architecture delivers class-leading wheel travel, providing exceptional wheel articulation and composure to deal with the toughest conditions.

The new Range Rover's unmatched breadth of capability is also reflected in its tremendously strong structure with enhanced body geometry for all-terrain conditions, wading depth which has improved by 7.8 inches to 35 inches, and its position as the best towing vehicle in its class with a 7,700 pounds trailer capability.

To ensure exceptional durability and reliability, the new Range Rover has been subjected to Land Rover's punishing on- and off-road test and development regime, with a fleet of development vehicles covering countless thousands of miles over 18 months of tests in over 20 countries with extremes of climate and road surfaces.

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Friday 7 September 2012

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Democrats change platform to add God, Jerusalem

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) ? Needled by Mitt Romney and other Republicans, Democrats hurriedly rewrote their convention platform Wednesday to add a mention of God and declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel after President Barack Obama intervened to order the changes.

The embarrassing reversal was compounded by chaos and uncertainty on the convention floor, requiring three votes before a ruling that the amendments had been approved. Many in the audience booed the decision.

The episode exposed tensions on Israel within the party, put Democrats on the defensive and created a public relations spectacle as Obama arrived in the convention city to claim his party's nomination for a second term.

The language in the party platform ? a political document ? does not affect actual U.S. policy toward Israel. The administration has long said that determining Jerusalem's status is an issue that should be decided in peace talks by Israelis and Palestinians.

Obama intervened directly to get the language changed both on Jerusalem and to reinstate God in the platform, according to campaign officials who insisted on anonymity to describe behind-the-scenes party negotiations. They said Obama's reaction to the omission of God from the platform was to wonder why it was removed in the first place.

The revisions came as Obama struggles to win support from white working-class voters, many of whom have strong religious beliefs, and as Republicans try to woo Jewish voters and contributors away from the Democratic Party. Republicans claimed the platform omissions suggested Obama was weak in his defense of Israel and out of touch with mainstream Americans.

GOP officials argued that not taking a position on Jerusalem's status in the party platform raised questions about Obama's support for the Mideast ally. Romney said omitting God "suggests a party that is increasingly out of touch with the mainstream of the American people."

"I think this party is veering further and further away into an extreme wing that Americans don't recognize," Romney said.

Added to the platform was a declaration that Jerusalem "is and will remain the capital of Israel. The parties have agreed that Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations. It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths."

That language was included in the platform four years ago when Obama ran for his first term, but was left out when Democrats on Tuesday approved their 2012 platform, which referred only to the nation's "unshakable commitment to Israel's security."

Some delegates were angered by the change.

"There was no discussion. We didn't even see it coming. We were blindsided by it," said Noor Ul-Hasan, a Muslim delegate from Salt Lake City, who questioned whether the convention had enough of a quorum to even amend the platform.

Also restored from the 2008 platform was language calling for a government that "gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential."

For decades, Republican and Democratic administrations alike have said it is up to the Israelis and Palestinians to settle Jerusalem's final status ? a position reiterated earlier Wednesday by the White House. Both sides claim Jerusalem as their capital, and the city's status has long been among the thorniest issues in Mideast peace talks.

The U.S. has its embassy in Tel Aviv, although numerous Republicans ? including Mitt Romney ? have vowed to move the embassy to Jerusalem.

During his 2008 campaign, Obama referred to Jerusalem as Israel's capital in a speech to AIPAC, a pro-Israel lobby. But as official policy, his administration has repeatedly maintained that Jerusalem's status is an issue that Israelis and Palestinians should decide in peace talks. The platform flub gave Republicans an opening to revive their attacks on Obama's support for Israel just as Democrats were hoping to bask in the glow of first lady Michelle Obama's Tuesday speech and gin up excitement for her husband, who will accept his party's nomination for a second term on Thursday.

But restoring the language did not placate Republicans, who used it to suggest that Obama's party is now more supportive than he is of the Jewish state.

"Now is the time for President Obama to state in unequivocal terms whether or not he believes Jerusalem is Israel's capital," said Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul.

Even as Democrats worked to quell the political fallout from the omission, some Democrats in Charlotte were in open revolt. Angry delegates screamed and threw their hands in the air as Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, the convention chairman, declared the amendments approved.

"The majority spoke last night," said Angela Urrea, a delegate from Roy, Utah. "We shouldn't be declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel."

Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., said the move was a "reasonable adjustment," but suggested the party could have avoided the skirmish.

Republicans declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel in the platform the party approved last week at its convention in Tampa, Fla. GOP platforms in 2004 and 2008 also called Jerusalem the capital.


Lederman reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Steve Peoples in Utah, Bradley Klapper in Washington, and Ken Thomas, Ben Feller and Matthew Daly in Charlotte contributed.


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Thursday 6 September 2012

Lonmin signs deal without striking union, miners

JOHANNESBURG (AP) ? Managers of a platinum mine where South African police killed 34 striking workers signed a peace deal Thursday with main labor unions but a breakaway union and the strikers themselves rejected it.

That creates gloomy prospects for an accord that is supposed to open the way for wage negotiations to end the month-long strike. Suspicion and anger poison the atmosphere. Strikers on Wednesday threatened to kill workers and managers who ignore their strike.

Strikers who have stopped operations at the Marikana mine say they are interested only in London-registered Lonmin PLC meeting their demand for a monthly take-home pay of 12,500 rand ($1,560) ? about double what they now earn.

Lonmin spokeswoman Sue Vey said all was quiet early Thursday at the Karee mineshaft where some 2,000 strikers and supporters on Wednesday threatened to kill those who don't join the month-long stoppage at the nearby Marikana mine. Neither mine has produced platinum for weeks. The Karee mineshaft is responsible for 68 percent of production at Lonmin, the world's third-largest platinum producer.

"The chances of warring parties imminently signing a peace agreement to end the violence at Lonmin's platinum mines seem slim," the mining Web site wrote late Wednesday. "Even should the negotiation process lead to the signing of some agreement, it is not likely to transpire into a lasting solution."

On Aug. 16, police who had vowed to end the strike shot and killed 34 miners, wounded another 78 and arrested 270 strikers. Police said they acted in self-defense when they were attacked by miners armed mainly with homemade machetes, clubs and spears.

But local news reports quote survivors saying some miners were shot at close range as they tried to surrender, and write that autopsies show others were shot in the back as they attempted to run away from the barrage of police gunfire.

Also Thursday, a second batch of 102 arrested miners was released on a warning by a court. They were among 270 charged with the murders of their 34 colleagues killed by police ? a bizarre twist which generated so much national outrage that prosecutors were forced to withdraw charges. Six wounded miners still being treated in the hospital remain in custody until they can appear in court.

The National Union of Mineworkers, South Africa's leading trade union which is close to political leaders, said Thursday's accord "signals the good intentions of the participants to end the violence, threats and intimidation that has become a characteristic in the daily life of Marikana."

It appealed for the breakaway Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union to come on board, adding "Not being part of the accord sends a wrong message to the workforce, a message of divisions and lack of common purpose."

AMCU president Joseph Mathunjwa refused to comment, saying he will explain the union's reasons for not signing at a news conference Friday.

Union rivalry was at the root of the violence at Lonmin operations. Many of the strikers say neither union represented their interests so they sent separate representatives to the peace talks being brokered by the Department of Labor.

They accuse the National Union of Mineworkers of cozying up to management and ignoring shop-floor interests to instead spearhead a faction supporting South African President Jacob Zuma's bid for re-election to lead the governing African National Congress at an elective congress in December. Should Zuma win he would be practically guaranteed a second term in power ? but his chances have been seriously damaged by the police killings of striking miners.

The Police Independent Complaints Directorate is investigating 34 murder and 78 attempted murder charges against officers involved in the mass shooting. It also is investigating complaints that more than 140 miners were beaten up in police custody by officers trying to get the names of strikers who hacked to death two policemen in a week of violence before Aug. 16 in which 10 people were killed. Two mine security guards were burned alive in their vehicle and six officials of the national mineworkers union were killed.

Zuma has ordered a judicial commission of inquiry with wide-ranging powers to investigate the police shootings as well as the part played by mine managers and the unions.


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Michelle Obama DNC Speech: In Praise of "The Man We Can Trust"

The First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, lovingly praised her husband Tuesday night in a prime-time Democratic National Convention speech.

Michelle called President Barack Obama caring father at home and a "man we can trust" to revive the nation's weak economy despite its slow recovery.

"He reminds me that we are playing a long game here ... and that change is hard, slow and never happens all at once," she told the Charlotte, N.C. crowd.

"But eventually, we will get there, we always do."

Michelle Obama's well-received speech blended scenes from 23 years of marriage with Barack to the couple's time in the White House since 2009.

Obama confided that at family dinners in the White House with their two daughters, the president joins in "strategizing about middle school friendships."

The self-described "mom in chief" made no mention of GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney in a distinctly positive, and inspiring, personal appeal to voters.

Those who preceded her to the podium had plenty to say about Romney, however.

Julian Castro's DNC keynote speech drew a sharp contrast between what he described as Obama's opportunity society and his opponent's candidacy of no.

Election 2012:


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Poll: Cellphone users dump apps to save privacy

By Bob Sullivan

Consumers have grown so concerned about privacy on their mobile phones that most avoid downloading some apps, and many others have removed apps out of concerns about data sharing, according to a survey released Wednesday. The Pew Internet & American Life survey also found that Americans lose their cellphones at alarming rates.

Slightly more than half (54 percent) of cell phone consumers who use mobile apps have decided not to install an app after realizing how much personal information they'd have to share; and nearly one-third (30 percent) of that group has uninstalled an app for privacy reasons, Pew found. Half of smartphone users had taken steps to clear their devices of personal data by either clearing their browser cache or search history. One-third of smartphone users had turned off location information on their phones, it said.

"There are lots of ways people are attempting to manage what information they are sharing about themselves,? said Aaron Smith, a Pew research associate who co-authored a report on the survey. "This data is illustrative of the sheer quantity of very sensitive, very personal information people have on their phones, and that people are obviously very cognizant of that."

Hesitation to use apps -- or the urge to remove them -- was fairly consistent among all types of users, Pew found.? Both iPhone and Android users dumped apps at the same rate; older users were only slightly more likely to avoid or delete apps.

The data hints that cellphone software developers are losing out on a lot of business by ignoring consumers' worries.

"In the context of the apps world, you don't have a lot of options,? said Smith. ?... It's a very binary choice for the consumer. Either you use the app or you don't. Often, the easiest solution is just not to use the app."

Young consumers aren't only worried about apps compromising their security. Twenty-five percent of smartphone users aged 18 to 24 said an unauthorized user had accessed personal information on their phone, compared with 18 percent for 25-34 year olds and 2 percent for the 65-and-older crowd.

Meanwhile, one-third of all cellphone users told Pew their phone had been lost or stolen at some point. That statistic probably won't surprise urban dwellers, who are reminded by public service announcements on mass transit that smartphone theft is a rising problem.? But Pew found roughly consistent loss and theft rates among city, suburban and rural dwellers.?

As one might expect, younger users were slightly more likely to lose phones: 45 percent of all 18-24 year old cellphone users said they'd misplaced one. But older users were hardly immune: 30 percent of those aged 35-54 said they'd lost a phone, and 20 percent of those 65 and older had, too.

"I was surprised with the relative age balance when it came to lost or stolen phones," Smith said.

Cellphone theft is a major problem. California-based Lookout Mobile Security recently estimated that lost phones will cost U.S. consumers $30 billion this year. Some relief was promised earlier this year, when the Federal Communications Commission announced that major U.S. carriers would begin to systematically disable lost phones, theoretically drying up the black market for stolen phones. At the time, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said that cellphone thefts accounted for 30-40 percent of all robberies nationwide.

Pew did not ask users who said they'd lost phones if they were returned, but an experiment run for NBC News earlier this year suggests that return rates are dismally low. That project also found that even otherwise honest people who find lost cellphones can't seem to stop themselves from rummaging around through their victims' data.

Despite all this data on lost and stolen phones, smartphone users aren't regularly backing up their information. Only 41 percent told Pew they'd ever done so -- and only 11 percent said they backed up photos, contacts, etc. on a regular basis.? Of note: Those who told Pew they had lost a phone in the past were no more likely to back up their data, suggesting consumers are still learning how to deal with carrying so much personal, vulnerable information in their pockets.

?The rise of the smartphone has dramatically altered the relationship between cell owners and their phones when it comes to monitoring and safeguarding their personal information,? Smith said. ?The wealth of intimate details stored on smartphones makes them akin to the personal diaries of the past. The information they contain is hard to replace if lost, and potentially embarrassing in the wrong hands.?

The survey, which was conducted in March and April, has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent.

* Follow Bob Sullivan on Facebook.
* Follow Bob Sullivan on Twitter.?

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    Fear over cat bug risk to humans

    Experts say more research is needed into a disease spread by cats after figures show an estimated 350,000 people a year in the UK become infected with toxoplasmosis.

    Although only a minority of people - between one and two in every 10 - has symptoms, advisers say extra measures to control the disease may be needed.

    The disease is spread by direct contact with cats or eating contaminated food.

    The Food Standards Agency has released an official report.

    It says there is a lack of data on the condition, making it difficult to estimate the real burden of the disease.

    And it says the current consumer advice should be reviewed.

    FSA Chief Scientist, Andrew Wadge said: "This thorough and detailed report points out key gaps in our knowledge about this parasite and suggests areas where more research is needed which will help us in estimating how much infection is due to food and which foods might be the highest risk.

    "The report also suggests we look again at our advice to vulnerable groups and ensure that it reflects current scientific knowledge."

    In about 80% of cases, a person who is infected will not be aware and will have no symptoms.

    Others will develop mild flu-like symptoms, but will not need treatment.

    But toxoplasmosis - the disease in humans - can cause serious complications in people with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV and cancer.

    And in pregnant women it can result in the baby being born blind or with brain damage. Three babies in every 100,000 are born with the condition in the UK.

    Toxoplasmosis is a notifiable disease in Scotland but is neither a notifiable nor reportable disease in the rest of the UK.

    Gloves advice

    The culprit parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, can get into the food chain via cats faeces causing contamination of soil, water and plants.

    Humans may catch the infection from eating undercooked meat from animals harbouring toxoplasma or from contact with cat litter or contaminated soil.

    Once infected, a person is immune from further infection for life.

    The best way to avoid infection is to make sure you wear gloves when gardening or changing your cat's litter tray, wash fruit and vegetables before eating and cook meat thoroughly - although it is possible to still enjoy it rare, says the Food Standards Agency.

    Pregnant women should also avoid contact with sheep and newborn lambs during the lambing season because there is a small risk that an infected sheep or lamb could pass the infection on at this time.


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    U.S. Worker Skills Gap is Real but Reversible

    The skills gap is real, and it's a key driver behind the historically high level of structural unemployment in the U.S., a new study says. ?More than 12 million Americans of working age were unemployed in 2010, yet the nation experienced a shortage of 7 million skilled workers that year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And the situation is not getting any better; that shortage is expected to balloon to 21 million skilled workers by 2020.

    A lack of educational achievement sits at the root of the mismatch between jobs and available workers, experts say.

    The average education of the American work force is expected to decline over the next 10 years, further widening the gap between the skills demanded by an economy changing at warp speed and the skills possessed by the labor force, according to interviews with approximately 250 North American employers in a study sponsored by The EvoLLLution, an online higher-education newspaper.

    The vast majority of midlevel professional jobs in the U.S.? ?? 93 percent? ?? require an associate's degree or higher, yet only 38 percent of working-age Americans have attained that level.? This skills deficit will contribute to a decline in the average per capita income during the next 10 years unless more Americans attain the necessary level of education ? a level of education that is continuously upgraded over the duration of a career, according to the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education.

    [10 Job Search Web Sites You Don't Know About]

    Businesses recognize this critical need, the study found. Seventy percent said employees need continuous education just to keep pace with the demands of their current jobs. And almost all the employers interviewed (95 percent) said they financially support employee education through various means.

    There is clear evidence from the study that employers are willing to reward employees for their educational efforts: Seventy-eight percent of employers said ongoing education has a positive impact on career advancement, and 87 percent said education positively affects compensation and salary.

    But employees rarely take advantage of these opportunities, the study found; an employee participation rate of 10 percent in a tuition reimbursement program is considered "very high," according to a study by Bersin and Associates, a research organization. Employers suggested that the most common factor for the low participation rates was poor employee motivation.

    "Education gives corporations a way to improve their productivity and reduce costs while also giving employees a way to increase their income and advance within the company," said Amrit Ahluwalia, managing editor of The EvoLLLution. "The question that remains is how to increase corporate and individual participation in professional development education."

    This story was provided by BusinessNewsDaily, a sister site to LiveScience. Reach BusinessNewsDaily senior writer Ned Smith at? Follow him on Twitter @nedbsmith and BusiessNewsDaily @bndarticles. We're also on?Facebook?&?Google+.

    Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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    Wednesday 5 September 2012

    90% Compliance

    Despite a fantastic lead performance, COMPLIANCE, which sparked controversy at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival, is a one-note trial to endure. Basically, the famous Milgram Experiments brought to life, COMPLIANCE is a real-time look at how far we're willing to go to please authority figures. When a fast food manager is asked by a calling police officer to detain one of her employees for a possible theft, things escalate quickly on the discomfort scale. Had the story developed further than just one long phone call, I would have liked it better, but as it is, it's completely monotonous. The officer keeps asking the fast food employees to detain, question, strip search, and more the seemingly innocent young woman, and everyone pretty much complies, because they don't want to look bad in the eyes of the law. This is a completely valid premise for a film, making us question our own naivete. But it just goes on and on, hitting the same drumbeat each and every time. Ann Dowd, however, deserves special mention for quite the bravura turn as the manager. A cog in the wheel who just wants to do the right thing, she's at turn needy, brazen, and heartbreaking. This veteran actor knows how to keep you riveted. I believed every second of her performance while not believing much of anything else, and this is a film based on true events! Most scenes drag on too long, especially a pointless, endless shot of a police officer driving to the scene in one, long extended take. WHY? WHY? WHY? I admire that this film wants to explore a vulnerable part of human behavior, but without much in the way of a story, this whole thing would have been better off as an article in Psychology Today. It's clearly intended to be a screw-turning, intense experience, but it's mostly sad and numbing.

    August 28, 2012


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    Tuesday 4 September 2012

    Little House of Horrors: Information

    Little House of Horrors

    Lycanthropes, vampires, and psychics, oh my!


    Game Masters:

    This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Little House of Horrors?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

    Topic Tags:

    Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
    This is a reference topic for RPers in Little House of Horrors. Please DO NOT post in this OOC topic, it is for reference ONLY.



    All lycans are allergic to silver. When it comes into contact with their skin, it causes a painful rash. If the silver gets into their bloodstream, no matter how little the amount of silver or how small the contact, it will poison the bloodstream. Eventually, the poisoned blood travels to the heart, and the lycans die a painful death.
    Lycans are bigger than normal animals. They can transform at any time, although the transformation is inevitable during a full moon. Lycans heal quickly, but it depends on the extent of the damage. If the damage is too great (i.e. an explosion), there is no way to repair it. Lycans do not die natural deaths. Lycans' minds, when in human form, can shift along the scale to being more animal.

    Lycans' Scale

    "Being a [lycan] isn't an either-or-thing. It's not the Jekyll-and-Hyde dichotomy. It's more like a scale, with [lycan] at one end and human on the other. Some days were a little more wolf than others. Some people were a little more [lycan] than others."

    -Kitty Norville, on the Lycan Scale

    While lycans are in human form, they can still use their animal senses and instincts.


    The only things that hold vampires back are sunlight (it burns them), holy water (it burns their skin like acid), protective magic, and anything associated with Christianity (i.e. stakes, crossses). Vampires do feel pain, but they can usually walk out of it alive. To die, vampires have to be staked through the heart. They have superior strength, and can mess with light particles, which explains their disappearing from view or not showing up on cameras. Most vampires like to bring a human along with them, as a blood source. Like lycans, vampires do not die natural deaths.

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    Vacation Lodge

    Surrounding nature:


    Lodge (Exterior)


    From left to right: Lycans' lodge, Humans' lodge, Main lodge, Vampires' lodge

    Lodge (Interior)

    Lycans' lodge

    Bedroom One:


    Bedroom Two:


    Bedroom Three:


    Humans' lodge

    Bedroom One:


    Bedroom Two:


    Bedroom Three:


    Bedroom Four:


    Since Dean Holt (the skeptic) is human as well, he will be sleeping in the Humans' lodge.

    Main lodge

    The main lodge is attached to the kitchen.

    Main lodge:




    Vampires' lodge

    Bedroom One:


    Bedroom Two:


    Bedroom Three:


    All bedrooms are attached to a toilet.

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